Tuesday 20 November 2012

Tuesday 20th November 2012

I can't wait till christmas- It's only 1...2...3...4... Ok there's still quite a few days to go but my family are putting the tree up in eight days because that's our inset day. I'm about to leave for school but i'll write some more soon. Bye O_o

Just got back from school. First when we arrived at school we had the ds's. Then we did guided reading. We were listening to an audio book version of "Goodnight Mister Tom". Then we went to maths and I enjoyed it... Not! Then we went to break and Taylor and 'that'. We then went to assembly and actually got to sit on the benches for a change! We went to literacy and I finished off my seating plan of the House Of Lords.

We ate our lunch. Then me and Taylor set up homework club in 5T. Then we checked the rota and found that it was meant to be in 4EM. So went in there and got the impression that Mrs Murphy didn't want us to be there. No-one came in but we used this time reading our accelorater reader books instead.

We then got dressed into our P.E kits. We played a hoop game and a dodgeball game. It was awesome!!!

We then finished off our friendship work in our life skills book that we started yesterday. After that it was hometime. I went to drama club and we read through 'Holka Polka'.

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