Thursday 22 November 2012

Wednesday 21st November 2012

Today I went to school. First we had guided reading. We wrote a review on 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. I only wrote a short review but Mr Trent didn't mind.

Then we went to maths. It was a bit boring. Then we went to break. We did literacy. Then we went to lucnh. At half past we had a meeting for take over day which was on Friday. Then I went outside to play for ten minutes.

We soon came back in and got told to put on our P.E kits. We were playing football rounders (again, like last week.) But we didn't have many players so we lost 10-9. But Mr Clayton called it a draw as they had more players. I stayed in my P.E kit as I had football after school.

Then we did some work in our life skills book. I finshed my poster on how to be a good friend.

Before I knew it it was the end of school. I put my ankle protectors, shin pads and football socks on and walked to the play equipment. I put my bags down and put on my footie boots. We played against the boys and drawed 3-3.

I went home and had a quick dinner. Then I went to gymnastics. It was the first halve of the christmas competiton. First I did floor, a sequence of my own choice- a cartwheel, tuck jump, half turn, shoulder stand, cat leaps and a teddy bear roll. Then we went onto trampette. I did a practise jump of a straddle jumo and then the real thing- A straddle jump and then a tuck jump. Our final piece was sports acro. I was in a pair. We didn't do very well, :( Oh well at lest i tried :(

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